
O’Neil “Everyone did their best, but it wasn’t enough.”

Taking full responsibility for Wolves’ FA Cup quarterfinal loss to Coventry City, a disappointed Gary O’Neill claimed his players gave it their all at Molineux.

The only healthy senior attacker available to the head coach is Pablo Sarabia, but even with goals from left-backs Rayan Ait-Nouri and Hugo Bueno, Wolves were defeated by Coventry in the closing minutes after two goals from the club’s injury-plagued lineup.

O’Neil provided an update on his injured forwards after the game, but he is aware that his team will face a tougher challenge when they resume Premier League play following the international break.

Upon tumbling from the cup

“I’m incredibly disappointed for everyone around here because we were so near to another historic outcome. I’m also really disappointed for the supporters because they gave everything too and persisted with the team on a difficult day.

The guys gave it their all, but it wasn’t enough because that was all we could muster that day. The boys that came on, the young guys, Sa made some really nice saves—all of the players gave it their best, but it wasn’t enough to get us where we needed to go today.

“Congratulations to Coventry; given where we are, we knew they would be a test.” We couldn’t cross the line, and I feel so bad for the players and supporters. Clearly a difficult afternoon.

Regarding the VAR ruling on Coventry’s opening goal

“I don’t want to come out as whiny; Coventry was the superior team today, but it goes in his arm. We didn’t lose the game because of that; I’m not sure why they claimed it was inconclusive because it seemed quite conclusive to me.


When compelled to play attackers as defenders

“I told the players that I was disappointed that I couldn’t figure out a way to help them cross the finish line. I’m really disappointed in myself.” I accept full responsibility for tonight and I’m sad for the fans. Winning football games is my responsibility, and I was unable to accomplish that today.

Hugo [Bueno] coming on and Rayan [Ait-Nouri] going up both helped us score, but after that we run out of defensive numbers and man-a-man at the back, with no defender left on the bench.

“Given what they gave and how much fight they showed, it was a harsh afternoon and a harsh blow.” However, we must gather ourselves and prepare to travel to Aston Villa.

Regarding the injuries affecting his team

It’s been there for a while. Sorry, we are aware of the circumstances. Today, Coventry was the better side. That is something we must accept. I am unable to find fault with the players we had because they gave it their all.

“Where the club is now is just the result of where it has come from.” That’s just the way things are. It is not acceptable to criticize the players, and anyone who believes that the players are to blame for today is mistaken. The athletes threw all into it. It’s difficult since we only have one senior attacker who is fit at a Premier League team. Rayan can be raised, although doing so causes Rayan to fall. Mario [Lemina] can be moved higher, however doing so will cause Mario to fall.

We made several adjustments that initially helped us tie the game, but ultimately cost us the victory because of our poor defense. Despite our best efforts, we fell just short. We weren’t able to finish, which I’m devastated about, and Coventry took advantage of the fact that they played us on a day when we were significantly below par with many players absent. It is my duty to finish it, and we failed to do so.


Regarding the injury timetable

Bellegarde’s condition isn’t as severe as initially thought, therefore we anticipate that he will return to it shortly. Regarding Aston Villa, I’m not sure, but maybe if everything goes perfectly.

Matheus Cunha appears to be nearing the end of his career, Pedro Neto appears to be finished for the season and possibly returning towards the end, and Channy Hwang is still quite a few games away from when he last played. However, we must continue to work to solve problems with what we already have.

Considering the Premier League first

“From now on, the Premier League will be extremely difficult. I mentioned how significant the Fulham victory was. There are no assailants. First up is Pablo Sarabia.

“Winning Premier League games will be extremely difficult because we’ll be playing Aston Villa, who will field Ollie Watkins, Bailey, Ramsey, Zaniolo, and Tielemans in addition to other players.

“I hope the fans understand that even though it will be a difficult spell, we will need to fight and scrap.” It is unquestionably not the players’ performance that determines the outcome. The guys played with everything they had today, and we simply fell short.

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