
George Steinbrenner would be proud.

Ever since his teenage years, Steve Swindal Jr., the Boss’s grandson, has been working his way up through the Yankees organization. Joel Sherman of The New York Post interviewed Swindal Jr., the most logical heir apparent, to learn more about his journey.

Some view Hal Steinbrenner’s inheritance of the Yankees after his father’s death, and the likelihood of passing it on to his 35-year-old nephew, as nepotism. Swindal Jr., currently the team’s assistant director of player development, hopes to change that perception. “I know the connotation of nepotism,” Swindal Jr. told The New York Post. “I know what comes with that. I want to at least show to the people here that that’s not who I am. And I hope I’ve accomplished that.”

Sherman highlighted how Swindal Jr. has been working through every department in the organization since a young age, gaining experience in media relations, scouting, and now earning a vote on organizational decisions. Swindal Jr. acknowledges that his family name provides unique opportunities, but he is determined to make the most of them.

“I think I understood at an early age that I was obviously born into a family where I was going to have opportunities that other people might not have,” Swindal Jr. told The Post. “To hide from that would be kind of silly. I feel like if you have the opportunity, you should seize it and make the best of what you can. To me, that meant learning as much as I possibly could from the bottom levels and working my way up to understand how it all operates.”

Although there has been no indication that Hal Steinbrenner plans to vacate his position soon, Swindal Jr. is prepared for when the time comes. “Obviously, I would love to do it,” Swindal Jr. said. “If that opportunity arises, sure, I would love to do it. But I wouldn’t mind doing it with my cousins either. I don’t have the complex of having to be the one. If Hal thinks that the three of us doing it might be the best way to win, I’m in.”

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