
German goalkeeper Merle Frohms discusses the issue of equal pay with male players.

Admin | Friday, March 08, 2024

BERLIN – German goalkeeper Merle Frohms considers equal pay for women and men in professional football to be “utopian.”

“I don’t know if we will ever truly achieve that,” the 29-year-old told Funke Mediengruppe newspapers on International Women’s Day.

She also expressed that women’s football might not benefit from “striving for everything that men’s football has accomplished.”

The Euro runner-up added, “However, we offer many things often criticized as missing in men’s football, such as a closer connection to fans and strong role models.”

There is still room for improvement in women’s football.

“You need to create the best conditions for the players: good training facilities and quality medical care,” said the Wolfsburg goalkeeper, whose team, along with Bayern Munich and a distant Eintracht Frankfurt, have dominated in recent years.

“And within the league, it must be competitive so that it’s not just three top clubs contending for the championship. Every matchday should be exciting with no guaranteed wins.”

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