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AC Milan director Zlatan Ibrahimovic enjoys mentoring the club’s young players. In an interview with The Athletic, he discussed his decision to return to the club.

He said, “When I came the second time (as a player), it was more about giving than taking. I wanted to pave the way for a new generation. You set the example, saying, ‘This is how it works.’ At Milan, it’s the elite of the elite: pressure, demands, obligations.

“You have to take responsibility and mature, as being a player involves both on-field and off-field behavior. I was the reference point. I didn’t let ego get in the way. I acted like a guardian angel, absorbing the pressure while still pushing them.

“It depends on the person. Scoring one more or one less goal wouldn’t change my career. It was about preparing the future for others because this young generation needs a leader to follow. Without examples, especially at top clubs, who will show the way?

“I approached it with a team-first mentality. Many young players had never played in the Champions League or won anything. As you age, you need new motivations. It’s not about contracts after 20 years. My motivation was guiding the young team.”

He added, “I’m not a babysitter. My players are adults and must take responsibility. They need to give 200 percent even when I’m not around. My role is to connect everything, to lead from above, and ensure the structure and organization work. To keep everyone on their toes.”

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